Florazul | Fresh flowers from Holland
Delivering fresh flowers to the customer in an efficient manner. That is what we believe in. Sourcing is our specialty and supported by powerful software we are able to automatically monitor the wide variety of products from growers and suppliers in real-time. Making sure we always present you with the best offer out there.
Order easily
Big amounts? Special order? We take care of it for you!
Every day we put together an offer for our clients to buy, whether it is directly from the grower, through auctions, or through third parties. Would you rather e-mail a list or use WhatsApp to place an order? This is also not an issue for us and will be fulfilled within the limits of our capabilities.
We provide you with the best logistical solutions. We evaluate whether we should organize in-house or with a partner who can do it with us. The essential point is that you can simply buy flowers and plants no matter where you are or what product you desire.
Digital solutions
In addition to providing the best flowers, together with our IT partner we also offer support in the field of digitalization and everything that comes with it. From ready-to-use webshops to complete digital support of your business, we can help you!
Want to know more?
Want to talk to on of our specialist? Let us know!